25 Stories From People Who Just Knew They Had Found “The One”

Published 5 months ago

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, so much so that some people choose to repeat it again and again with many prospective lovers. Meanwhile, others seem to find their forever partners just like they do in the movies and have their happily ever after. But how did these lucky folks know that they had found their one true love when they initially started the relationship? Recently, a discussion sprung up on Reddit where married couples stepped forward to candidly explain exactly how they knew their spouse was the one. Scroll below to read their tales of romance and prepare to have your faith restored in love. 

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#1 Because it was easy from the start, no games, no wondering if he’d call; He always did. And he made me laugh. Ten years on, still making me laugh every day.

Image source: PlusAd5893, Divaris Shirichena

#2 She gave me a wry smile and invited me back to her dorm room “for a bit of fun”.  Then when we got there she pulled out Clue, a magnifying glass, and a bubble pipe.

In love ever since.

Image source: NortsBot

#3 When I yelled out “Hey! You wanna go get some fried chicken and catch a flick?” From across the room at a college party and she instantly started walking towards me and yelled out “f**k yeah!” Been together for 28 years married 24.

Image source: ripper4444, Tim Samuel

#4 I met and married my wife in less than 4 months. I knew she was the one for me because I had never met a more loving, caring and empathetic person in my life. Her sense of humor, personality, life outlook and goals all meshed with mine. We have been married almost 40 years. Best thing that has EVER HAPPENED to me.
It can happen.

Image source: anycaliberwilldo99, Daniel Xavier

#5 I was married for 11 years and it’s ended about a year before. I met a new girl and we started dating and it got more serious. I really liked her but had no intention of ever getting remarried.

Image source: dma1965, Adrienn

She took a 2 week trip from California to China. Within a day I missed her. Then I thought of the possibility that she might be in a plane crash and the idea of never seeing her again devastated me. I then realized I was in love. I knew we had to be together forever.

Of course she made it home ok. We celebrated 22 years of marriage this July and have three children.

#6 It’s really something silly, and it was only one of many things that lead to the realization. I had slept in and missed saying goodbye when he left for work.

Image source: Digital_Punk, Toa Heftiba

I called to tell him to have a good day and to tease him about not giving me a goodbye kiss. 10 minutes later he walked through the door, gave me a kiss, and then left for work again. He was always doing sweet and playful things like that, and in that moment I realize I didn’t want anyone else. Within weeks we were engaged, and 5 months later we were married. We celebrated 14yrs last month.

#7 He told me “loving you is easy”. Idk why that really gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe cause no else said it to me.

Image source: Conscious-Peak4231, Kyle Bearden

#8 He made pigeon noises at me over the capsicums (‘peppers’) in the supermarket.

Image source: Annual_Reindeer2621, Dawood Javed

We’d been together 3 months, we were 17 & 18 at the time. We’re now 42 & 43, and he’ll still make random bird noises at me sometimes. One of our teens joins in sometimes, the other is more likely to meow at us from across the room.

It encapsulated the fact that he didn’t care what other people thought, just that he wanted to make me smile. (Also we now know that it’s because we’ve both got ADHD and we bounce off each-other).

#9 He was the funniest guy in every room and I knew his heart was as big as his humor. He made me feel the safest I ever had.. to this day I still crush out on the guy.

Image source: Maezymable, Leah Newhouse

#10  My last relationship was really traumatizing and I was not interested in dating anyone at all. But he pursued me very gently and persistently for months, and I just thought why not give someone who actually treats you well a chance?

Image source: StevenAssantisFoot, Dương Nhân

The night of our first date we made out and we’ve been together ever since, that was 12 years ago. But I knew he was husband material when he escorted me home after that first date. I was very tired and he didn’t want me to fall asleep on the subway. He knew I lived with my mom and that he wouldn’t be coming in before he even offered. And it was a very long trip for him to go home after since it was late and service is reduced overnight. He just displayed a level of concern and protection that I was unaccustomed to and it really opened my eyes. Best decision I ever made was to go out with him. He’s my best friend, he makes me laugh all the time, and I still find him wildly attractive.

#11 I was standing in the grocery store in 2014 and made a chicken noise. he made a chicken noise back. true love.

Image source: WearyEnthusiasm6643, Moepoofles Moepoofles

#12 I posted this a while back, but it’s a good story.

Image source: d_b_cooper, RDNE Stock project

We had only been dating for three months, so still some awkwardness here and there. I was working an outrageous amount, and I got phone call that one of my very good friends had just died in a car accident.

I don’t really remember walking there, but instead of my apartment, I ended up at hers. She opened the door to her new boyfriend half-ugly-sobbing.

Instead of being (rightly) weirded out, she listened and cried with me for a couple hours.

The friend who died was the one who had encouraged me (for like six months) to ask my now-wife out. My friend never knew the impact she had.

My wife and I have been married for 15 years now.

#13 She never made me feel like I had to put on a show to be someone I’m not. I’m very introverted, but can muster enough confidence to be outgoing if I need to be. She just lets me be myself.

Image source: ABlessedLobster, David Cajilima

I know it’s normal for most healthy relationships, but we can just be goofballs together, but also take care of the serious business when the time calls for it. Prior to my now wife, most relationships seemed to be lacking that balance.

#14 I spoke to her on the phone. Fifteen minutes. Seven green flags. One OMG. I knew. It was unmistakable, and I had no doubts.

I fought to marry her: Family. The state. People who didn’t want us to marry because they thought marriage was a bad idea for everyone.

We married anyway.

We have been married for 14 years.

I still have no doubts.

There are people who doubt the institution of marriage.

Don’t be one of those people. Don’t doubt yourself.

Image source: 0rphaned-Ar1zona

#15 Everyone else I would become repulsed by after a few months.. lol

Image source: Terrible_Choice4151, Pak Wan

I had some pretty deep rooted trauma and friendzoned him for 10 years and he just waited for me…i genuinely enjoyed his company and I realized I had the perfect guy right under my nose the entire time and initiated us dating, but was very traumatized so our [intimate] life was pretty much non existent… he would just sit there with me and let me be. He made me feel safe and that’s when I knew he was the one.  .

#16 Sure, we loved each other and did not want life without the other but one discussion nailed it. We decided that we felt really safe around each other and could at the very worst can tolerate the other’s habits. Also had some solutions agreed to for certain habits.

Image source: tango421, Pradeep Potter

That night I decided I’d propose and talked to a friend to help me with a ring over the weekend. She later told me it was that same weekend she told her parents yeah, he’s the one.

Married 11 years now. Two cats.

#17 We had hung out with another friend a couple of times. I made plans to visit the friend and friend recommended that I invite now wife to come along since she lived near me. After driving for 7 hours each way and having fun conversations the whole time, I was pretty sure we should be together. Still together 35 years and married for 30.

Image source: MokshaofAberoth, Karsten Winegeart

#18 This is gonna be a weird story, but ok.

Image source: Bdr1983, Liza Summer

We knew each other for a couple of months when we both got invited to a mutual friends’ birthday party. She wasn’t feeling great, but she came anyway, because there were some others there that we hadn’t seen for quite a bit and she wanted to say hi. So, after a few hours she said she felt worse, and asked if someone could help her get home. So a friend and I said sure, we’ll walk with you. We walked the way to her house, which was about 15 minutes, and when we got there she got dizzy and was on the verge of feinting. I saw her wobble, grabbed on to her and then she just sagged in my arms. Only for a few seconds, but she was out of it. She opened her eyes, looked at me, and BLAM! Fireworks, butterflies, everything all at once.

This was at her parents house, so her father walked into the hallway to look wat was going on and he saw me there holding his daughter and gave me a ‘stern look’, untill she explained what happened.

We went on a date a few weeks later, and that was the first day of 19 years so far.

#19 She talked about being a mom and how it was going to happen. Worst case she would just adopt and do it alone. She would hate it as she wanted to start a family with someone but she wanted to be a mom more than having to wait for the right guy.

This was from an executive in the advertising industry who was five years younger than me, and yet she had climbed higher on the corporate ladder. She’s an absolute rockstar in the corporate world, she’s stunning, literally a head turner in any bar (and stubborn in not admitting that she does actual turn heads) and the most family oriented person you can imagine.

We’ve been together 12 years now, married 10, two boys and we have dinner every night as a family. I still can’t believe she’s mine.

Image source: verbal1781

#20 When we first started dating there was a year or so when we lived a few hours apart. It was really hard to leave. One time it was early morning and I had already said goodbye. I got in my car in the parking lot and noticed that he was running towards me in his boxers. It was cold and it was so silly. I couldn’t stop laughing but also had major butterflies. He wanted to give me one more kiss goodbye. A fool in love and that’s never changed.

Image source: Milo_and_Bloo, Helena Lopes

We’ve been together almost 12 years, married almost 7. He makes me feel like I can do anything, he makes me feel beautiful and kind. I know he’s got my back. We’ve been through a lot and some dark times but at the end of the day, I’d rather do the s****y stuff with him.

#21 Easiest relationship I’ve ever had and was from the first date. I knew by the time we ordered dessert on that date we’d probably get married. No drama or second guessing anything. Happily married for 13 years and it’s still easy.

Image source: LordyIHopeThereIsPie, cottonbro studio

#22 First night I met her – she was a friend of a friend and neither of us was looking for a partner at the time. Much later in the evening I saw her dancing on her own, and like really going for it as well. She just stood out so much, compared to all the other girls on the dance floor and I just thought “yep…..shes the one for me”.

Image source: DonKiddic, Darius Bashar

We’ve been together 18 years this year, 11 married and have a teenage daughter now.

#23 We were both Star Trek fans, so I invited her over to my place to watch it. She replied with “will you marry me and be the father of my children?” Four months later I proposed (on her birthday). We got married the following year. It’s now 37 years and counting. And she still likes me!

Image source: blaurhino, paramount

#24 Sundays. My favorite day of the week with her. Whether it was sitting quietly with books or running mundane errands to prep for the coming week, the test, for me at least, was how happily we spent our Sundays. Friday and Saturday nights are easy. But if you can consistently spend a good Sunday with someone, you have a keeper.

Image source: gallegos, cottonbro studio

#25 After we had been together for 4 years I asked her to marry me and she said ” you don’t have to marry me, I’d follow you to the ends of the earth anyway” That was reassuring ?

Image source: Waves_n_Photons, PHUOC LE

Some long time later she told me that after the very first evening we met she told her grandmother ” I’ve met the boy I’m going to marry”

What other choice did I have!

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



Dating, people, relationships, the one, True Love