30 Cute, Funny, And Sassy “Easter Eggs” People Found In Real-Life

Published 1 year ago

It’s too early for Easter? Yupp that was our first thought too before finding out that an “Easter Egg” is a term that’s popular in the gaming world as a little hidden gem of secrets and surprises that are tucked away for players to find in various unusual spots. Apparently, this is not the main game, but like a little inside joke by the developers. 

So imagine our surprise when it seems to occasionally happen in real life. It’s quite adorable actually because it connects all these random people who don’t really know each other but are brought together by these “Easter Eggs”. Some are cute, some are interesting, and some have a little bit of an attitude honestly but altogether it’s a rather heartwarming collection of such finds. Scroll below to enjoy and remember to stay observant for your own little hidden gem finds in the future.

More info: Reddit

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#1 The Tube At The End Of A Roll Of Doggie Poo Bags Says “Use Bare Hand Now”

Image source: mreguy81

#2 Small Message On The Bottom Of Our Hand Soap

Image source: twentytwelfth

#3 This Piano Bar Code

Image source: JackTheJukeBox

#4 Speakers In The Ceiling At My Local Airport

Image source: FluffiCatfish

#5 My Jeans Have A Little Note In Them

Image source: daciticStraddle

#6 A Subtle Nod To A Notting Hill Quote

Image source: PianoCharged

#7 A Hidden Message On Top Of A Truck

Image source: call_me_xale

#8 “This ‘Mouse Barbershop’ I Found In Malmö, Sweden”

Image source: mvd82

#9 New Mattress, It Almost Kicked My Butt Unboxing It But Like Neo… “I Know Kung Fu Too”

Image source: mario24601

#10 On The Back Of The Microfiber Cloth That Came With My Glasses

Image source: ReidOutLoud

#11 Ordered A Toy For My Kid. This Was On The Shipping Box

Image source: JackSixxx

#12 One Of The Dots Is A Heart Instead!

Image source: Glad_Huffelpuffz

#13 This Guy

Image source: by_sempatix

#14 Oh Honey

Image source: bearjew64

#15 I Finally Found One! A Retention Pond Outside The Boeing Factory In Charleston, Sc Has A Plane Shaped Peninsula. Only Visible From Above

Image source: SuperFaceTattoo

#16 Sword In The Stone. England

Image source: aheadTest275

#17 My Local Farm Has A Pokemon Themed Corn Maze!

Image source: bzbeebih

#18 One In The Wall

Image source: Gibronez

#19 Opened Up My Keyboard And Found This On The Case

Image source: BadAzMan

#20 Changing Battery In My Big Muff Pi Distortion Pedal

Image source: mrcoffeymaster

#21 Amd Chip Smiley

Image source: sexyProsimii379

#22 Electrical Easter Egg

Image source: TheThreeBagels

#23 There’s A Small Cat Hiding Inside This Paper Bag

Image source: unanatkumot

#24 This Bottle Of Water Has The Logo Of The Brand (A Small Mountain) Extruded On The Bottom

Image source: st1nkf1st

#25 The Snow Lizard

Image source: Faithfulmillrace405

#26 This Wet Floor Sign At The Toronto Aquarium

Image source: DeadlyDais59

#27 WiFi Symbol At A BBQ Joint

Image source: thenotoriousJEP


#28 Tea Bag Warning

Image source: jrtaylor3006

#29 The Tag On My New Underwear

Image source: WhiteKingBleach

#30 Is It Just Me Or Are These Clothing Manufacturers Becoming Hostile?

Image source: Beakedexit47

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



easter egg, hidden gem, hidden messages, hidden secret messages, secret messages